Friday, July 4, 2014

The Hunt For The Perfect Log

      Well today was a washout so no trip to the top of Cadillac Mountain to see the Bar Harbor fireworks like we'd planned. But a little rain has never stopped me and my right hand man Miles from doing a little foresting. Yeah, we're rugged men, we don't garden, we forest. Okay so we're not all that rugged but we can be when we want to be. So today we started a new part of the forest, well a new idea, it's too small of a space to actually start new sections. We began logging.

      No, not that kind of logging, we're not cutting trees down, we find ones that have already fallen. Why, you might ask. To bring to our forest of course. All forests have fallen trees, they're actually a crucial part of any wooded environment. Of course it's not a wooded environment yet but we wanted logs in it anyway, get a head start. Not only do they look good, especially ours which is a ten foot long birch trunk, but it serves a purpose as well.

      We want chipmunks. I know I know, most people want to get rid of the little pests but our forest needs animals. Sure, our tallest tree is only as tall as we are, but we want to attract animals. It turns out chipmunks don't live in trees, they dig little holes in the ground and hang out in hollow logs. So bring in the hollow logs.

      We took a walk through the woods behind the trailer park where most of our forest comes from on the search for some good logs. We wanted a longer one, at least five feet, but nothing more than twenty because, well because that's about the size of our forest space. We also didn't want one that was too old and rotted out, plus it had to be thick enough for animals to call it home. All of the really good ones were too big, like waaayyy too big, 30' long, a few feet in diameter, and a lot of them already had animal holes in them that we didn't want to disturb.

      It was on a steep hillside beside a spring that we found the perfect birch log, exactly what we were looking for. Together we carried it down the slippery hillside which luckily wasn't too long and Miles decided he wanted to carry it back home over his shoulder to get started on his new resolution to work out. He did it too, not bad considering its ten feet long and nearly a hundred pounds. So I brought back a smaller log and some rocks we picked up along the way because we always pick up rocks along the way, and not the little rocks you can put in your pocket either. We get lots of strange stares but whatever, they're just jealous because their yards are normal and boring.

      And here's the birch log in its new home, waiting for some lucky chipmunk or bunny to find it.

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